The Ultimate
Rebranding Guide
You rebrand. We navigate you through this complex process and help you activate the brand online and offline. Hassle-free.
Read how different brands view rebranding and redesign. Uncover challenges that await you, if you decide to embark on this journey.
Supercharge your rebranding with our practical guide
What makes the brand successful? It's the agile proactive approach, without fearing a change. However, rebranding is a challenging process and you need to be ready for it.

What´s inside?
Leading brands´ perspective
Three prominent brands share their tedious rebranding story, but with a winning end.
In-depth rebranding intel on 60+ pages
Gain insights about rebranding and brand change management and be inspired by global examples.
Meaningful data
and advisory
Get up-to-date statistics, valuable advice and practical examples on rebranding and redesign.
Who does it well at home and globally?
Reveal local and international brands´ approach to a complex rebranding. Learn from the best and make your brand a superstar.