HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - vizuálna identita

Under the strict supervision of experienced professionals

After years of experience in sales and roof installation business, Ivan Julínek and Marián Hagara decided that they would not outsource the essential part of their activities – the production. They rented a production hall in southern Slovakia, acquired state-of-the-art technology and hired skillful people to maintain complete oversight of the entire production process.

In doing so, they have functionally sealed their production ecosystem (design – production – sale – assembly – service), which allows them to reliably guarantee the timber source, quality of production, assembly and service. They have it all in their hands and under the strict supervision of experienced professionals.

HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - photoshooting
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - photoshooting
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - photoshooting
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - photoshooting

To listen carefully and to ask the right questions

To know and perceive a brand means to know the people behind it, those who truly shape it with their own work and attitude. This fundamentally and absolutely applies to the HAGARA – JULINEK brand.

In order to get to know both founders and the philosophy behind creating a new company in detail, we had attended more than 10 several-hours-long individual meetings. After acquiring enough data, the meticulous work began in the form of verbal anchoring of the brand, creation of the mission statement and the vision as well as the proposal of values.

HAGARA JULINEK - Proces budovania značky
HAGARA JULINEK - Proces budovania značky
HAGARA JULINEK - Proces budovania značky
HAGARA JULINEK - Proces budovania značky

A brand you can trust

Trust has become the cornerstone of the HAGARA – JULINEK brand. Trust as a symbol of reliability, durability and quality that can be perceived across the board of everything the brand does.

It manifests in a fair attitude of employees before, during and after the implementation of a project and lets the customer feel that they can truly trust the company – all the way from experienced engineers, through certified timber from a proven source to the opportunity to directly inspect the production. The brand is transparent and provides the customer with a maximum sense of reliability, which is also enhanced by the possibility to call up one of the company owners immediately if something is wrong.

HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - citát
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - brand personality

Made by heart and reason

Formally anchoring values is essential not only for the company management, but also for existing and new employees. The founders of the HAGARA – JULINEK brand instantly realized the importance of values and used them as pillars to build up not only the stability, but also the growth of their company.

Within the brand creation process, we have defined a total of five values that accompany the everyday work of all employees, thus enabling the whole company to move closer to the fulfillment of the desired mission.

To be good and to look good

Functional visual identity begins within the company, largely based on its character and nature – just like the identity for HAGARA – JULINEK. Our design work on the brand began only after we have perfectly and strategically defined it. Designers had the opportunity to not only understand the industry in which the company operates, but also to express what makes it special.

For the symbol of the brand, we have chosen a pictogram combining a roof and a truss, which, thanks to its slightly adapted lines and specific tilt, creates a 3D optical illusion of a roof. The task of this three-dimensional game was to stimulate the imagination of the target audience, to focus on the variability of the truss and proudly showcase the product. The entire version of the logo is complemented by a serif-free typography of the names of both founders, which are again transparently and proudly communicated across the entire design line.

A unified line of visual communication

We have not set an end point with the lines and expanded the visual communication with a series of simple line illustrations and a pattern that shows the characteristic element of the brand – the genuine wood, which is the foundation of all HAGARA – JULINEK products. By adding photographs with distinctive and clearly defined tonality, we have also ensured a consistent impression of all the communication means used by the brand, whether it is online or offline.

HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - ilustrácia
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - ilustrácia
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - koláž
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - showroom
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - branding
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - vizuálna identita - tričko

Color, shifted to a different design plane

The specific tonality of photographs follows the selected color scheme. It is composed of a pallette of natural colors, however, we have not limited ourselves to the frequently used shade of grass green in combination with brown, as is customary with competing brands. Quite the contrary. We have managed to communicate premium features, especially by combining colors such as velvety green, gold-beige and rich brown. The selected tonality of colors is motivated by the industry, but at the same time shifted to a different design plane.


The same rule we followed when choosing the color pallette and illustrations was adhered to in choosing the right typography. Since all of the visual identity is accompanied by clean lines, the typography, which was intended to visually represent the brand, also had to be based on lines and pure geometric shapes without ornaments or distinctive embellishments.

Therefore, we chose Montserrat as the basic font used in brand communication, as it offers a sufficiently wide range of font variations and consequently does not restrict the use in Slovak language, which is rich in various diacritics.

HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - vizuálna identita - typografia
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - vizuálna identita - typografia
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - vízia

The work that has produced results

The result of our cooperation to date is an extensive brandbook embracing the complex definition of the HAGARA – JULINEK brand, its new logo and design system, which includes, among other things, the interior design of the showroom. We continuously elaborate on the design, development and upkeep of the website as well as other promotional materials and brand guardianship.

HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - brandbook
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - brandbook
HAGARA JULINEK - Budovanie značky - brandbook

A stylish and clear website

The result of our cooperation to date is an extensive brandbook embracing the complex definition of the HAGARA – JULINEK brand, its new logo and design system, which includes, among other things, the interior design of the showroom. We continuously elaborate on the design, development and upkeep of the website as well as other promotional materials and brand guardianship.

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about your brand