A new perspective on employee training
UNIQA GSC asked us to design and execute communication between the dual education project and the UNIQA Academia internal education system.
UNIQA Group Service Center Slovakia, Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Austrian insurance group UNIQA Insurance Group. It operates in Slovakia as a center of shared services and employs almost 600 people. The main priority of the company is to provide reliable services based on competent employees, which it strives for mainly through a continuous training program.
When learning emanates a touch of art
The starting point of the visual concept follows the connection between classical education, the roots of which go back to ancient Greece and modern possibilities of continuous development of employees. We have therefore combined the well-known symbol of the Greek sculpture with modern graphic design, a striking headline and descriptive copy text that incites action. In addition, the sculpture element can be replaced by other objects, which provides the visual with additional variability.
Font and colors of new knowledge
When choosing typography and color, we based on the need to evoke an impression of seriousness, credibility and stability. We therefore relied on the Elsie heel font and the UNIQA GSC corporate colors.
We underlined the attractiveness of the visuality with a sensitive combination of traditional and modern elements, which together create a design-impressive symbiosis.
Education that moves forward
We have transformed the proposed concept into an attractive video, which presents the main idea of the UNIQA Academia project in the form of a short story. The emotionality of the video is supported by tailor-made creative edits and dynamic music.

On and off the academic ground
We transferred the key visuality to various touchpoints in both offline and online environments. We gained the attention of the target audience with attractive banners, roll-ups, leaflets and brochures, which were placed in the premises of secondary schools and in UNIQA GSC offices.

Dual education at UNIQA GSC
The dual education project is also a part of educational programs and activities focused on career advancement of employees in UNIQA GSC. The project enables graduates of selected secondary schools to obtain post-secondary education and practice at the same time, which opens up many opportunities to gain valuable experience during their studies and thus be one step closer to obtaining their dream job.
Based on these starting points, we designed a key visual for the dual education project at UNIQA GSC, which we applied to various touchpoints in both online and offline environments.

50% work + 50% school = 100% campaign
We also created a microsite dressed in a consistent visual based on the corporate colors of the UNIQA GSC brand and supported the communication with contributions on social networks, thanks to which the project became widely known to the target audience.