A fair application for more motivation

avantify.team is a cloud application designed for small and large companies, which serves both the operational management of the whole team and individual employees. The application enables executives and managers to record work procedures using the “speech to text” feature, allowing individual employees to share information about manufacturing processes among themselves, which are consequently commented on or approved by supervisors.

The ability to add new concepts and revisions, to train people using an automated attendance list, and to validate knowledge by testing serve as a valuable added value of the application. The application also allows employees to be rewarded for the level of knowledge they achieved and offer them the anticipated career growth. Transparency of information and systematization ensure fair opportunities for all team members, greatly increasing their efficiency and motivation.

An application with temperament

Italian language played an influential role in the creation of application name, because it was precisely Italy where our client had worked professionally and gathered their valuable know-how. Thus, we have accordingly created the name from the root of the Italian word “avanti” and the suffix “fy”. Suffix “fy” is currently a broadly used element in name creation, especially for technology start-up brands. With the word “avanti”, which means “to progress”, we declare the main benefit of the application – the motivation and ability of each employee to progress, which is obtained through the effective transfer of knowledge and work procedures in the avantify application. A clearly defined brand, built on solid strategic foundations, was then transformed into an original, attractive and unified visuality.

The graceful curves of career growth

The logo represents the main idea of ​​the application – the career growth of employees in companies, which is directly proportional to their acquired knowledge. The basic element consists of two line curves that overlap each other and simultaneously illustrate the direction of positive growth. While the first curve points down to render the initial letter of the name (A), the second curve, tuned to optimistic tones of orange and pink, draws up the second letter of the name (V). At the same time, this shape suggests a direction of progressive career growth that can be strategically achieved by outlaying an appropriate pre-defined effort. Moreover, the curves are not bound, which distinctly evokes the fact that human potential is
unlimited and knowledge can be a indefinitely acquired throughout life.


The color reflecting intelligent technology

In terms of color, the application primarily utilizes shades of dark blue and purple. It is these two colors and their mutual synchronization that evoke everything the application offers to its users: an intellectual dimension with an emphasis on education, intelligence, skill and professionalism. It gives the impression of a stable and reliable partner who, thanks to modern technology, keeps up with the times and provides not only professional but also ambitious and dynamic services.

A visuality that grows with you

Based on the defined visuality, we have created a series of diverse online and offline touchpoints. We have designed a graphic visual for print materials – headed notepaper, business cards, as well as various presentation materials, which will bring the application into awareness of the target group. The readable uniform graphic signature is easy to pinpoint within the visuality, which makes the application easy to
identify and remember.

A website with managerial ambitions

We have transformed the visual face of the application into a modern and user- friendly website. We adhere to the set tonality of colors, which pleasingly correspond with the overall visual appearance of the application and support its character. The website is transparent, follows a minimalist design and it is easy to navigate. It offers a brief overview of the features and benefits of the application, which will improve management, motivation, education and remuneration of employees. We enhance the attractiveness of informative content by graphical animations, which are currently widely used in the modern technology segment.

Available for everyone, everywhere

avantify.web is a platform designed not only for directors or line managers, but also for employees at all levels. The content can therefore be made by each team member, which ensures fluid control and extraordinary operability (e.g. notes made on a tablet directly during production at the production line). In this way, all outputs are not only current, but also transparent, which significantly contributes to the overall awareness of the team, the sense of fairness and equivalence.

Even an application can attain career growth

All of our defined visual solutions are anchored in a clear logo & design manual. We specify the key features of the logo, fonts and colors, as well as recommended or otherwise non-preferred forms of their use. A well-aranged manual provides the client with valuable information about the visual direction of their brand and helps them to align themselves in the questions of its ensuing presentation.

Let's talk
about your brand