vizualna identita Natural Fiberlab

Beyond stereotypes

A kick-off workshop with the client established what qualities the future brand should express. The references to elegance and simplicity inspired us to create a visual language. But for the core brand identity to embrace the organic look, we needed to bypass the stereotypes related to natural materials, such as leaves, flowers and stems. We instead considered natural fibres such as bamboo, coconut and others.

vizualna identita - Natural Fiberlab

Logo under the microscope

An analysis of the sector and client activities led us to explore the visual properties of natural textures, structures and especially plant fibres. By searching microscopic images of plants – such as bamboo, coconut, hemp and cactus – we defined the starting point for the future pictogram. Dynamism and elegance were then achieved by using the initial letter ‘N’ (as in Natural) to express cooperation and flexibility. We then used the outputs to create a neat logo and design manual for the brand.

Choosing pigment-based palette

An important part of the visual identity’s creation was a manifestation of the colours. These should be clearly distinguishable in a competitive field, despite positioning in the areas of research activity and sustainable design. So instead of the usual colour schemes, we sought options in the natural pigment of plants and skin: melanin. We finally rendered the identity as elegant and sophisticated by using the primary taupe colour tone.

vizualna identita - Natural Fiberlab font

Simply attractive options

The new visual identity system enabled further natural options of application which respected sustainable design principles. Thanks to the selection of suitable materials, even business cards on recycled matte paper (300 g) or laser milling on cartons or cardboard can be achieved without colour adjustments, and the visually-attractive symbol will be perfectly prominent.

vizualna identita - Natural Fiberlab

Contemporary font

The visual design includes the modern, simple and elegant sans-serif Satoshi font with minimalist composition – even in thicker uses such as Bold, Black and Bold Italic. Functionally, the font is characterised by a typeface and properties that respect the linguistic specifics of other languages, including graphemes such as tildes, accents and inverted punctuation marks.

A use-adaptive brand

Our testing went beyond the theoretical and the client’s needs. The Natural Fiberlab brand manual’s design included the visualisation of branding on clothing or the company’s merch and in the context of production. Additionally, the logo was also applied to the least exposed parts of 3D printers, CNC cutters and lasers. The brand’s visual assets have found original use online and offline, both for marketing purposes (website, social networks, DTP and business cards) and on Natural Fiberlab products.

vizualna identita produktov - Natural Fiberlab
vizualna identita produktov - Natural Fiberlab

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