Simplicity in the spotlight

The starting point for the design was to present the brand in a fresh, interactive, and mature style that would fully reflect HubHub’s reputation on the international startup scene and at the same time express the immediacy and openness of the concept, accessible to anyone. By creating a visually striking, modern, and user-friendly online environment, we have given the brand a clearer identity and simultaneously encapsulated its values in relation to its clients and users.

A refined online colour palette

One of the client’s priorities in creating the new website was a timeless design that would still remain attractive in the context of current trends. The design therefore required defining a colour scheme that would remain sufficiently distinctive on any platform. Taking into account the ingenious and complex colour scheme of the brand manual, we simplified the colour code to a saturated shade of orange in combination with a basic monochromatic variant of the logo.

Flexible and intuitive environment

The current homepage boasts a dynamic look and a clear structure. The redesign also provided an opportunity to expand content into new subpages, enriched with striking call-to-action (CTA) elements that drive conversions in various user scenarios.

A focus on genuine content

A specific client requirement was also to use real shots from co-working spaces, which further confirmed the necessity to define HubHub as a provider of quality and tailor-made solutions for both companies and individuals. To support this intention sufficiently, we dedicated a separate subpage to each of the spaces, supplemented with brief information and characteristics of each space.

Symbol of networking

The logo’s variability and derived pattern were animated into individual sections of the homepage, unlocking its full potential. This approach communicates values such as flexibility, openness, adaptability, and responsiveness to change. The distinctive pattern eventually became, thanks to the possibility of constant transformation, a central and unifying element of the entire website.

The same experience for everyone

Despite operating events in four countries simultaneously, our clear goals enabled us to create a unified user experience for everyone. The hero block showcasing co-working is prominently displayed on the landing page to increase customer engagement. Dynamic pop-ups allow users to book spaces instantly, enhancing user interface navigation.

Clearly defined goals

In essence, our design goal was to address critical points that previously impacted conversions from each visit to the website. The result is an online presence that truly reflects HubHub as a provider of quality solutions for both companies and individuals, regardless of whether they are located in Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, or Bratislava.