Koláž HYZA Dobré adresy

Goals based on real data

Based on the conducted surveys, we found that the recognizability of the HYZA brand is growing annually, and that almost half of Slovaks consider it the best on the market. However, up to 40% of consumers who do not buy HYZA products are not familiar with it. Raising brand awareness has therefore become one of the main goals of the activation campaign. Another goal, defined in collaboration with the client, was to repeatedly increase customer preferences. The third, no less important goal, was to communicate a new product portfolio design to the audience.

Vizuál HYZA Dobré adresy

Honest communication from a “Good Address”

We decided to achieve the set goals through targeted communication, in which we focused on the conjunction of customer expectations and brand strengths. Through a detailed analysis, we found that customers expect quality, safety and reliability of the product, which is transparently and honestly communicated. The claim “Honest chicken from a good address” is a clear statement that the HYZA brand can reliably meet customer expectations.

The Good Addresses campaign thus impeccably connects the idea of the quality of HYZA brand products, which are made from poultry of guaranteed origin, with a link to the “good addresses” in Slovakia, which are worth exploring. The campaign thus included a travel challenge and a competition for valuable prizes, which are associated with the experience of new travel adventures.

Autobusová zastávka - Citylighty HYZA Dobré adresy
Citylighty HYZA Dobré adresy
billboard HYZA Dobré adresy
Citylighty HYZA Dobré adresy
Citylight HYZA Dobré adresy

Sales promotion competition

The consumer competition for valuable weekly prizes and the main prize – the KIA Niro Hybrid passenger car – has become a key part of the campaign. Consumers were able to enter the contest by registering competition codes from new product packaging, which clearly linked the campaign to a real customer experience. At the same time, we fulfilled one of our set goals – to support the sale of popular HYZA products in a new attractive packaging.

In the campaign, we have utilized the synergistic effect of communication on social networks, content marketing, program purchasing and advertising on Google and YouTube channels.

Fľaše HYZA Dobré adresy
Ponožky HYZA Dobré adresy
Pexeso HYZA Dobré adresy
Carousel HYZA Dobré adresy

“Travel for less” on social networks

Communication on social networks took form of regular interactive posts, in which we introduced the audience to selected tourist-attractive destinations in Slovakia and motivated them to participate in a competition for valuable prizes. Influencer marketing also formed a significant part of the communication – as part of the campaign, we established cooperation with the popular couple of travel influencers “Travel for Less”, who presented the audience with good addresses in Slovakia and HYZA products during a six-week period and complemented the established marketing mix.

Posty spolupráce influencerov HYZA Dobré adresy

The “Good Addresses” at good online addresses

As part of the campaign, we prepared a series of PR and native articles fitted for relevant online media that have the potential to reach the selected target groups. Through content marketing, we have adapted the content to make it attractive for selected target groups and to appeal to readers who enjoy entertainment, travel and care about the quality and origin of their food. A natural part of the communication was the creation of an attractive subpage on the existing HYZA website, as well as the branding of selected online portals.

Good addresses with good results

The campaign ran for close to two months in both online and offline environments, with compelling results:

235 % increase registered codes when comparing the first and last week of the campaign

€ 1.03 which means € 0.00103 for a full 6-second ad (Bumper Ads)

1 000 000 + we have reached more than one million users via social networks and Google Display

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