A modern communication concept

When LEDVANCE officially arrived on the Slovak market, there was practically no spontaneous brand recognition in the region. Considering they were a novelty within the region and needed to acquire a sizeable team in a relatively short time to ensure long-term care for its clients, LEDVANCE asked us to collaborate in building an employer brand.

The company had a globally defined EVP, which we modified and adapted to the specifics of the Slovak market. We have created a series of attractive visuals with eye-catching slogans targeting young, multilingual candidates, ensured the start communication on social networks, and also the support for other offline brand activities in the long term. The results did not take long and the combination of modern communication with an authentic attitude and start-up culture, quite unconventional for corporations, the LEDVANCE brand quickly gained attention from the public and became one of the most attractive employers in Nitra.

ledvance employer branding - mockup 1
ledvance employer branding - print
Employer branding Ledvance kariérny rollup
Employer branding Ledvance kariérna inzercia

Photo production of staff and brand‘s premises

An authentic branding expression cannot be achieved without the people who represent it. Therefore, we took pictures of LEDVANCE employees right in the office environment and had a lot of fun during the production. In addition to portraits for the purpose of slogans posted on the website, we also shot a series of natural photographs of the work process or the attractive space of the new relaxation zone.

ledvance employer branding - photoshooting 1
ledvance employer branding - photoshooting 2
ledvance employer branding - photoshooting 3

An attractive design outside the digital environment

The LEDVANCE brand leads the way to improve personal contact with its potential employees. Thus, the company employees always enjoy meeting ambitious students, pass on information to enthusiasts at job fairs and tell the story not only in the online environment, but also through an enticing brochure. As for the leader in innovative lighting, we have prepared several of them, all in connection with their employer brand. We have clearly communicated the list of vacancies, corporate benefits, and listed what makes the brand unique.

ledvance employer branding - katalog 1
ledvance employer branding - katalog 2
ledvance employer branding - katalog 3
Employer branding Ledvance onboarding brožúra
Employer branding Ledvance onboarding brožúra
Employer branding Ledvance onboarding brožúra

Active social network communication

The main goal of LEDVANCE communication on social networks is to maintain regular and active contact with existing and potential employees. That is why we have been taking an excellent care of it for more than three years. To ensure the brand maintains a high level of interaction and positive feedback in the long term, we create content that is attractive, rich in information, and encouraging action.

Employer branding Ledvance social media

An appealing career website filled with information

When searching for a job, it is fundamental to easily and quickly find all the necessary information about the company, the job offer and career benefits. Moreover, candidates are naturally inclined if they have the opportunity to get to know the environment and the employees, even before the interview. We have therefore enriched the career website of LEDVANCE in Slovakia with authentic employee quotes and news from the life of the company.

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