Traditional manufacturer, innovative solutions

With the new HYZA Sous-vide product line, the brand reflects the current needs of its customers – people who are looking for quality and tasty food, the preparation of which does not require a lot of time or special culinary equipment and skills. It brings a pre-prepared product to the stores, which you can simply unpack, bake and serve in a few minutes.

With the new product line, the brand also fulfills its mission – contributing to a healthier and more satisfactory life for people across generations.

Go-to-market strategy with the essence of 4P

At the beginning of the project, we defined the goals and set up the go-to-market strategy. Its outlet was a marketing mix defined by the 4P model (product, place, price, promotion). In each of these categories, we brought in our own view transformed into relevant recommendations and subsequent execution. In terms of the product, our task was to lay out an attractive packaging design that would be visually gripping, original and significantly discernible from the competition. We designed the products with regard to the appearance of the entire in-house product portfolio with the help of our own production team.

As part of the marketing mix, we also developed draft recommendations for the client to improve the visibility of products in refrigerated boxes at the sale points, as well as recommendations regarding price communication. The final step was to set the communication strategy, its implementation and realization.

TV spots with a pinch of fun

The communication strategy had a distinct goal – to introduce Sous-vide via the product B-roll distributed on the YouTube platform and subsequently address various target groups through attractive TV spots. Their task was to break down common stereotypes, eliminate people’s natural unease of everything new and unknown, and at the same time preserve the main benefits of the product in an engaging way. We have transformed the idea into four funny stories, with which the individual target groups (mothers, young people, students and busy people) will easily be able to identify with.

Unmistakable atmosphere,
memorable actors

The stories got their life spark through TV spots with an unmistakable atmosphere and memorable actors who portrayed the characters. The idea and production were co-authored by experienced screenwriter and director Daniel Laurinc and the production company Laurinc Studio, led by producer Viktor Šesták.

Communication unified
on all platforms

We aligned the strategy and mediamix to comprehensively cover all communication channels. By deploying the TV spots in the Markíza and the JOJ group, print and OOH as the dominant ATL communication channels, we have ensured a wide audience reach and made the product sufficiently visible. We utilized digital space for more targeted purposes – specifically the YouTube platform and its formats: True view In-stream skippable (30 sec.), Non skippable (15 sec.), and remarketing Bumper (6 sec.).

An online campaign for those who love
good food

As part of the activation campaign, we applied the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE approach to educate, entertain, activate and inspire. In the campaign, we took full advantage of the potential of online space, chiefly thanks to the programmatic purchase of the most discernible desktop and mobile formats. The Google Ads and Facebook Ads tools assisted us in delivering the message to the target groups, as well as the creation of valuable content on the social networks Facebook and Instagram, which we have been managing for the HYZA client for a long time.

A recipe for fun

In the next phase of the campaign, our task was to communicate the breaking down of stereotypes and entertain the audience at the same time. We used the formats of Google Display, the YouTube platform and communication on social networks, where we motivated the fans through various competitions and tremendous cooperation with the popular influencer Simona Malková.

A recipe for building awareness

A native article and authored PR articles in relevant online media (,, via the Strossle platform allowed us to deliver a communication message directly to the target audience in an effortless and effective way.

A flash message in one click

After the audience interacted with the product and became thoroughly acquainted with it, we focused on the last part of the shopping journey – care in the form of inspiration. Therefore, on the website tailored specifically for the new HYZA Sous-vide product line, we provided visitors with inspirational, quick and healthy recipes to prepare meals with the Sous-vide products.

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