Helping to find the right clues

Being endorsed as a professional in providing blood laboratory tests that help people find possible answers to their health questions and functional processes in the body, that’s the primary goal of Unilabs Online’s communication. Therefore, we aim to continuously increase brand awareness and build a relevant community and fan base while directly encouraging the purchase of specific blood tests through orders at selected collection points.

Health in your blood

We’ve built our communication strategy on the conceptual roof ‘health is in your blood,’ which unifies our messaging and maintains its integrity. Additionally, we have defined a visual language that is clearly discernible and distinguishable from the competition in social media posts. This visual language is sufficiently variable to differentiate various communication themes and genres. Lastly, it enhances the appeal and visual attractiveness of our profile.

Bringing valuable content

While the Unilabs Online brand operates in the healthcare segment, its communication must adhere to strict medical and legal criteria. Nevertheless, we aim to deliver inspiring, educational, and even entertaining content to our audience. Content diversification is crucial for long-term communication, as it keeps fans engaged, eliminates monotony, and prevents feelings of boredom. We utilise a diverse range of formats, from single images to carousels, short videos, and reels. Unilabs Online assumes the role of a guide and helper, always ready to assist and provide advice regarding human physiology in any life situation or challenge.

Rebrand and campaign adaptation

Shortly after the initial months of our collaboration and the production of the first posts, Unilabs Online underwent a rebranding and was strategically connected with the communication of the parent company.

This step, of course, had to be adapted to our content creation on social networks, which we adapted to the needs of globally set guidelines. The rebranding also brought a new visual identity, which gave the communication of the Unilabs Online brand a completely new handwriting.

Is more in-depth insight into branding you thing? Let us show you 5 steps to a successful rebrand.

Influencers can’t be missed

To work with the ideal type of influencers for this project, we considered multiple criteria: relevance to our communication themes, follower count, and reach. We also weighed the benefits of working with micro-influencers versus macro-influencers. While macro-influencers build awareness about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis, micro-influencers garner more trust from their audience, which helps the brand boost sales and ROI (return on investment). We have established successful collaborations with several prominent names, such as Sajfa, Marek Fašiang, Števo Martinovič, doktor.michal, Jojo Porubský, Adriana Poláková, Zuzana Vačková, and Sarah Arató.

Collaboration outcome

Since the start of our collaboration in April 2023, we have successfully increased the number of fans on Facebook by 18% and followers on Instagram by 23%. Fan interactions have also risen by up to 16%. The popular reel format, a staple in our monthly editorial calendars, has garnered a total of 207,271 views on Instagram. In terms of traffic, visits to the Unilabs Online website directly from social media posts account for 10.50% of the total traffic (of total traffic).
*Data valid as of January 2024.

Interested in the professional creation and management of social networks? Do not hesitate to contact us; we would be happy to help your brand too.

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